
Pigzbe: Teach Your Kids Great Money Habits!

A hand-held piggy-wallet™ that teaches children 6+ how to earn, save and budget in the 21st-century. By PrimoToys, a 5-time creator.

Primo Toys has launched another project that reimagines how we teach kids about money management. Pigzbe is a hand-held piggy wallet that aims to replace traditional methods such as piggy banks. Transform the idea of piggy banks and bring it to the 21st century by using technology to teach kids how to earn, save and budget. We live in a digital world, where many aspects of life are well connected to the space of technology. Now individuals using online banking as means to manage finances. Use Pigzbe to teach children that are 6+ years old on how they can start learning by having fun. 

Saving, earning and sharing.

Pigzbe future proofs learning about modern digital finance with something fun, tangible, and for the whole family. Through years of research and development, Primo Toys has come up with the perfect way to enhance your child’s learning abilities. 

What can children do?
Earn and save -Pigzbe makes it easy for children to earn money and learn how to save it. Set goals for presents, get rewards for chores.

Visualise and play - Watch your money grow, literally! Your digital wallet is an interactive money-tree that you nurture and grow through savings.

Spend and share - Send your savings in and out of your account. Spend it on the things you want, online from the app, or in the real world with a card.

What can parents do?
Create a family network - Invite family members and friends to connect with your child's Pigzbe from anywhere in the world. Pigzbe is global!

Send allowances - Anyone in your network can send recurring allowances or one-off gifts, quickly, securely, and cost-effectively.

Set tasks and chores - Set chores and tasks for your children to complete. Keep track of progress, reward good behaviour, help them form good habits.


The Pigzbe App lets the adults in the family connect and send money to Pigzbe from anywhere in the world, instantly and securely, and cost effectively. For kids, the app is an adventure that enhances the hands-on experience, helping them learn through connected play, stories and fun. Pigzbe runs on Wollo, a blockchain based token that allows you to send money globally, quickly and cost-effectively (It costs $0.000001 to send as little as $0.005). Every Pigzbe comes with enough Wollo to play and interact with right out of the box, and complete over 10,000 transactions, so you don't have to buy any to start!

[Check it out here]
